(Price One Penny)
Thursday 1 March 1877
On Saturday afternoon a match (Association rules) was played between eleven of the Tees Wanderers and eleven of the Middlesbrough Football Club, on the archery ground of the Albert Park. There was a good attendance of visitors.
The ball was kicked off by Mr Harvey (captain of the Middlesbrough Club). A very strong wind was blowing against the Wanderers, but, notwithstanding this, some excellent play was witnessed. The ball was taken towards the Wanderers’ goal, and kept near the whole of the half with one exception, when it was again taken back in very good play by Jenkins, and a goal kicked by Ewbank.
In the second half the wind was with the Wanderers, who after showing some excellent play, succeeded in making a goal, thus making a tie, both sides having one goal each. The playing of Lees, Ewbank, Jenkins, and Hildreth for the Middlesbrough Club was very good. As was also that of Logan, Dickens, and Wilson.
The sides were as follows:- Middlesbrough Club: Harvey, (captain) goal keeper; Windross, Hardisty, backs; Booth, Parkin, half backs; Lees, Ewbank, Greenwood, Jenkins, Harson, Hildreth, forwards. Wanderers:- E Wilson, goal keeper; Brewster, Wilson, backs; Dickens, Addyman, half backs; Bell (captain), Child, Napier, Brewster, Logan, and W Richardson, forwards.