Monday, 27 January 2014

Rudby Parish Magazine: November 1892

More from the old magazines:

Sept 25 ...... £1 11s.10d
Oct 2 ......... 8s. 5½d
Oct 9 ......... 19s. 4d
Oct 16 ......... £1 3s. 3½d

Oct 15 – Thomas Halliman, of Hutton, and Jemima Jordan, of Scarborough

Sep 22 – Mary Huby, of Hutton, aged 84 years
Oct 1 – Thomas Sleigh, of Hutton, aged 92 years

There is a Service in the Church at East Rounton on Sundays at 2.30pm

A Service is held on alternate Sundays at 2.30pm


Mrs Brigham is most kindly arranging to have an entertainment in the School House on the 4th November for the benefit of the Cottage Hospital.  "A Perfect Cure" will be acted by some of her friends, who are kindly coming to assist her.



The children attending this School were examined on Friday, May 13th, 1892, by A. Richardson,  Esq., H.M.I.A., and on Friday, August 12th, the Chief Inspector of the district, R.P.A. Swettenham, Esq., visited and inspected the School.  The following excellent report has been received, and will speak for itself:-
"This School has on the whole passed a good examination, and I recommend the higher principal Grant.  The Upper Standard should read and write with more taste."

"This School is going on well, and bids fair to become a very good School."
Amount of Grant received, £130 0s. 6d.

The Girls' Needlework was judged, and the annual prizes were distributed in connection with the Day School on Monday, August 22nd, by the Vicar, Lord and Lady Falkland, Mrs T Bowes Wilson, Dr and Mrs Snowdon, Mrs Blair, Mrs Percy Blair, the Misses Park, Miss A B Wilson, and Mrs Brigham.


Note: For more information on the system of schools' inspection and payment by results, see Education in England

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Rudby Parish Magazine: September 1892

More from the old parish magazines:


Any sick person in Hutton Rudby or the immediate neighbourhood wishing to be admitted must apply to Lady Falkland, at Skutterskelfe; or to Sister Florence, at the Hospital; or to Dr Snowdon.
In all medical cases a doctor's certificate must be brought.

No visitors to Nurse or Patients are admitted to the Hospital in the morning.
Visiting days for the patients, friends are as follows:
Sundays, from 2 o'clock to 4.30 pm
Saturdays, from 2.30 to 4.30 pm., and 6 o'clock to 7.30 pm.
Wednesdays, from 6 o'clock to 7.30 pm.
On fixed days Lady Visitors are visiting from 2.30 to 4.30 pm.


The Sunday School Children had their Treat, August 13th.  It was spent as usual at Redcar.  Rain was the order of the morning, but after midday the sun shone and there was great enjoyment for the nearly fifty children who had gathered up.  They amused themselves with tricycles on the sands, plodging in the sea.  Some went on the switchback railway.  The donkeys this year were at a discount.  During the rain a 10 o'clock meal was partaken of at the Temperance Hall.  At the end of the day another good meal before starting homewards.  Several parents joined the party to look after the welfare and amusement of the young ones.  Happily none were missing on their arrival at Potto Station.


The Hutton Rudby Choir Trip of 1892 were fortunate in having a fine day for their Annual Holiday.  They started by first train in the morning, August 4th, for Middlesbro', the scene of the Great Yorkshire Agricultural Show.  Not being provided with a sufficient number of third class carriages, some of the boys were put into first class seats.  At Trenholm Bar they were taken out, left on the platform, coming on in the next train, but they were put out at a different station from the first detachment, causing fatigue and trouble to those who felt bound to meet them.  At last, all together, they saw the place decided on for final meeting and tea, then adjourned to the Show, where they viewed the animals, implements, etc., and wandered about according to their various tastes and fancies.  They met as arranged, returned by the last train.  Though tired, all agreed that they had spent a pleasant day.



A Sale of Work was held at Linden Grove, by the kind permission of Mrs Percy Blair, on Thursday, August 18th.  The work had been done and the prizes were competed for by the members and candidates of the G.F.S., under the direction of Mrs Brigham.

Again this year we owe our thanks to Mrs Brigham for the untiring interest she has taken in the G.F.S.  The amount of time and thought she has devoted to the improvement, as well as the amusement, of the girls has been great, and perhaps only fully appreciated by those who have had the opportunity of seeing how much Mrs Brigham has the happiness and welfare of the girls at heart.

The work was judged by Lady Falkland and Miss Kate Park, and the following Prizes were awarded:-
Class I.  – D. Passman, Plain Work.
Division II. – E. Elgie, Pillow Case.
Class II. – M. Fawcett, Knitted Stockings.
Class III. – S. Garbut, Men's Socks.
Class IV. – D. Meynell, Patchwork.
Division II. – M. H. Johnson, Patchwork.
Class V. – S. Garbut, Dressed Doll.
Class V., Division II. – B. Rowell, Dressed Doll
Class VI. – Elizabeth Hall, Knitted Petticoat.
Division II. – K. Thorman, Knee Caps.
Class VII. – D. Passman, Crotchet Petticoat.
Class VIII. – B. Rowell, Grasses.
Class IX. – H. Brown, Wild Flowers
B. Rowell, Apron.  Minnie Smith, Pinafore.  H. Brown, Holland Apron

The unnamed author of the Parish Magazine is clearly very anxious to keep Mrs Brigham happy at her work!  I haven't been able to find Mrs Brigham in the censuses of 1891 and 1901 so far ... perhaps she left the village, worn out by her labours.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Rudby Parish Magazine: August 1892

The parish magazine was made up of two parts.  The first half consisted of a nationally-produced section and the second half contained the local news.

From the local section for August 1892 we learn of baptisms & burials:
Baptism – July 9th,  of Hannah, daughter of William and Kate Ainsley of Rudby

Burial – July 16th, of John Seymour, aged 78, of Rudby
Burial – July 19th, of Margaret Ward, aged 17, of Hutton
and there are two pages of cricket scores, three matches having being played at the "Skutterskelfe Park Ground."

In the national section of the magazine, there is this enticing recipe:

by M. Rae
Certificated Teacher of Cooker

Pare away entirely the stringy rind, cut the turnips in quarters, and boil for twenty minutes or half an hour (according to age) in salt and water; when tender, drain well.
Make a batter, with a quarter of a pound of flour, one egg, and a breakfastcupful of milk.  Put the flour into a basin, put the egg in without beating it, add a very little milk, and begin stirring with a wooden spoon.  Mix in the rest of the milk by degrees, beating well all the time so that the batter will neither be lumpy nor stringy.
When quite smooth, put the turnips in a greased dish, pour over the batter, and bake in a quick oven about half an hour.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Rudby Parish Magazine: April 1892

More from the old parish magazines. 

The variation in the amount given to the church offertory over the weeks must indicate the absence of some wealthier inhabitants ...

Meanwhile, the existence of the Coal & Blanket Club reminds us that there were "very poor" people living in the village ...

Feb. 28th .............................. 17s. 8½d.
March 6th ............................ 7s. 4½d.
March 13th .......................... 14s. 11d.

March 1st – Thomas Bursfield, of Sexhow, aged 63 years
March 12th – William Redhead, of Enterpen, aged 65 years

Mrs Brigham will be at the School House on the second Wednesday in April, the 13th, to receive Coal Club subscriptions.
As the Coal Club is for the benefit of the very poor, the Committee consider that they only should benefit by the bonus.  At the same time, if those who are better off and in good employment like to bring small sums to Mrs Brigham, she is quite willing to take charge of the money, returning it to them at the appointed time without any addition.
If any prefer Blankets or Clothing, she will give a ticket on one of the shops for either one or the other.

At the Confirmation held at Yarm, on March 7th, by the Bishop of Beverley, the following Candidates were presented from our Church of All Saints, by the Vicar:-
George Barthram
Ralph Dennison
Hannah Brown
Dorcas Corner
Jane Fortune
Jane Elizabeth Garbutt
Mary Harrison
Amy Picken
George Fortune
Thomas Russell
Sarah Picken
Laura Richardson
Jessie Rowell
Francis Sowter
Kate Thorman
There is a Service in the Church at East Rounton on Sundays at 2.30 pm

Feb. 28th – Cicely Mary, daughter of William and Hannah Elizabeth Smith, of Field House Farm

A Service is held on alternate Sundays at 2.30 pm

Sunday, 12 January 2014

1849 cholera genome mapped

The genome of the cholera that caused the 1849 pandemic has been mapped - do see the post on The History Blog.

And don't miss checking out the full range of Giant Microbes in the Mütter Museum of Philadelphia's online store - Livius of The History Blog includes a picture of the Cholera Vibrio ("adorable, plush & cuddly") in his post.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Rudby Parish Magazine: March 1892

More from the old parish magazines:

Jan. 24th ................. £1 1s. 7½d.
Jan. 31st .................. £1 7s. 11½d.
Feb. 7th .................... 9s. 7d.
Feb. 14th .................. £1 5s. 9d.
Feb. 21st .................. 11s. 2½d.
Jan. 22nd Margaret Cowan, of Hutton, aged 70 years
Jan. 27th Mark Hall, of Brawith Farm, Skutterskelfe, aged 18 years

There is a Service in the Church at East Rounton on Sundays at 2.30 pm

A Service is held on alternate Sundays at 2.30 pm

The Confirmation at Yarm by the Bishop of Beverley will take place on Monday, March 7th, at 11 am.

Lord and Lady Falkland sincerely hope that the Cottage Hospital of four beds now established in the Parish under the charge of Sister Florence may be the means of alleviating the sufferings of many in the village.
They acknowledge with many thanks the kind professional attendance of Dr Snowdon, and the interest taken in the Hospital by many friends, and their generous donations and gifts.
The first patient has returned to her home completely cured.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Rudby Parish Magazine: February 1892

Excerpts from the parish magazine of Rudby-in-Cleveland:

Dec. 27th, 1891 ....................... £1 3s. 8½d.
Jan. 3rd, 1892 .......................... 8s. 1d.
Jan. 10th, 1892 ........................ 10s. 0d.
Jan. 17th, 1892 ........................ 14s. 8½d.

Jan. 2nd – Harry Butler and Hannah Honeyman, both of Hutton.

Jan. 12th – Thomas Milburn, of Hutton, aged 77 years
Jan. 16th – James Richardson, of Potto Carr Farm, Parish of Whorlton, aged 65 years
Jan. 16th – William Hammond, of Hutton, aged 47 years

There is a Service in the Church at East Rounton on Sundays at 2.30 pm

A Service is held on alternate Sundays at 2.30 pm

The names of those who have kindly subscribed to the Coal and Blanket Club this year are –
Viscount and Viscountess Falkland
Mrs Sadler
Mrs Brigham
Mr A B Wilson
Miss Wilson
Miss Paver
Mr Barthram
Mrs Chapman
Miss O'Connor
Mr Park
The Misses Park
Mr T Bowes Wilson
Mrs Blair
Mr Passman
Mr Coverdale
N. H. Coal Company
These subscriptions amounted to £13 10s. 7d.  Money paid into Club by members, £17 0s. 9d.  With this fund 25 tons of coal and 9 pairs of warm blankets were distributed to the members, the total amount paid for the coals and sending being £24 16s. 9d., and for the blankets £5 9s. 9d.

Our best thanks are again due to Mrs Brigham this year for the time and thought she has given to the Coal Club.  Her good work is much appreciated throughout the village, both by the poor and by those who realise what an amount of labour and of anxiety is incurred by the successful carrying on of a Coal Club.

A Confirmation will be held at Yarm on March 7th.  It is requested that the names of those desirous to be confirmed may be sent in at once to the Vicar.

The members of the Choir and their friends gathered together at the Schoolhouse on December 29th, for their Annual Tea.  After a comfortable tea dancing began, and continued with unabated spirit until one o'clock in the morning.  The dancing was interspersed with a few much-appreciated songs from Miss Clarkson.  

The Sunday School Tea took place on December 31st.  Oh, children!  judging from the noise you made you must have been happy.  Prizes were given to the scholars for attendance at school during the year.