Monday, 6 October 2014

Major Duncan Stubbs' diary entry for 6 October 1914

Tuesday 6 Oct 
… I had a letter from Mr Herbert Samuel expressing his sympathy & saying that the private secretary to the First [Sea] Lord had written that Duncan “was quite one of the best boys that ever came before the Selection Committee for Osborne & his progress at the two Colleges had only confirmed the good opinion we had formed of him.”  That is about the highest praise that could have been given & I know it was thoroughly deserved.  After tea Madge & K & I went for a walk …

Herbert Samuel was Member of Parliament for the Cleveland division of Yorkshire.

John Richard Stubbs' diary for 1886

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Search box problems again

If you find the search box is playing up, please follow the tip here.

I hope it puts itself right soon, but blogger is a bit of a law unto itself ...