This seems a very male entertainment and I harbour dark suspicions of the piece entitled
Woman's Rights:
Darlington & Stockton Times, Ripon & Richmond Chronicle, 3 February 1894
On Friday night the members of the Yarm Minstrel Troupe gave a highly successful entertainment in the Board Schoolroom, Hutton Rudby, under the distinguished patronage of Messrs G. Y. Blair, J.P., A. Bowes Wilson, J.P., P.A. Blair, and other gentlemen.
The room was crowded by a large and appreciative audience. The first part of the programme consisted of a comic operata, The Two Frauds, performed by Messrs R.L. Wilford and H. Wright. A most laughable sketch, entitled Woman's Rights, was given by Mr Rhodes Eliff, in full costume, for which he was loudly applauded.
In the second part songs, &c., were rendered by the troupe, and Mr W. Raper sang, in a most exquisite manner, Maggie May, while Mr R Gamble played a cornet solo in capital style. Mr J.H. Watson was accompanist, and Mr C. Fergyson was managing director.
At the conclusion of the entertainment, Mr A. Bowes Wilson, J.P. in a few well-chosen remarks, complimented the performers on the efficient and entertaining style in which they had performed their parts.
G.Y. Blair was George Young Blair (1826-94) of Drumrauch Hall (see
here). Only weeks after this entertainment, Mr Blair suffered an attack of his heart condition and his doctors advised him to spend five weeks convalescing in Bournemouth. He went back to work on his return, suffered a relapse and died on 22 September. P.A. Blair was his son-in-law, Percy Alexander Field Sadler (1866-1906) of
Linden Grange, who took the surname Blair.
A. Bowes Wilson was Allan Bowes Wilson (c1839-1932) of the Cleveland Sailcloth Mill - for more on him and his family see