FATAL ACCIDENT - Yesterday week, an inquest was held at Middlesbro', on the body of Thomas Thompson, aged twenty-four, a painter, who, on the previous night, fell from a scaffold thirty-six feet in height, at the United Methodist Free Church, now being erected in Newport-road, Middlesbro', thereby fracturing his skull, from which injury he died. A verdict of "Accidental death" was returned. Deceased has left a wife and two children.
CHORAL SOCIETY - The first concert of this newly-formed society was given before a large and fashionable audience in the Odd Fellows' Hall, yesterday evening week. The band and chorus comprised 100 performers, under the conductorship of Mr Groenings, and the leadership of Mr John Wood. The pieces selected were principally from the great masters, Beethoven, Handel, Gounod, and old English composers, and were ably executed. The Hallelujah Chorus was given with great force and precision. A violin solo by Mr Wood was rapturously encored. The tenor solos were sung by Mr John Hart.
THE IRISH CHURCH - A lecture on this subject was given before a tolerably large audience in the Odd Fellows' Hall, on Monday evening, by the Rev V H Moyle, curate of North Ormesby. The Mayor occupied the chair. The lecture was in substance the same as that given at North Ormesby and noticed in the Herald last week. The lecturer encountered some little opposition from the Liberals present. A vote of thanks to the lecturer concluded the proceedings.
PETTY SESSIONS - On Monday, before the Mayor and H Thompson and J Harris, Esqrs., a number of sailors belonging to the Fatfold of Sunderland, were brought up on a charge of smuggling about five pounds of tobacco on board that vessel. Thomas Bell, officer of Customs, proved the discovery of the tobacco, which all the men refused to acknowledge. Ultimately, however, Henry Fish, fireman, owned to having smuggled the tobacco, and the other men were released from custody. Fish was ordered to pay a fine of £3 18s, including costs.James Conway was summoned under the new Masters and Servants Act, for refusing to work as requested by his master, John Rushford, builder, on the 24th ult. The case was proved against the defendant, who was ordered to pay a fine of 20s., or undergo fourteen days' imprisonment.Patrick Hickey, puddler, was summoned for assaulting his wife, on the 25th ult. The latter proved that she had been subjected to gross ill-usage from her husband, who was committed to two months' hard labour.John Hallman, labourer, was charged with stealing a bag of potatoes, the property of John Pickersgill, on the 25th ult. The case was fully made out and the prisoner sentenced to one month's imprisonment.Mary Wade was charged with stealing a quantity of coals from the works of Hopkins, Gilkes, and Company, on the 26th ult. The bench were of opinion that the parents of the prisoner, who was only twelve years of age, were more to blame than their child, whom they accordingly discharged.
York Herald, 2 May 1868
RedcarNew Schools at Coatham
On Saturday, Mr Arthur Henry Turner Newcoman [sic] laid the foundation stone of the Turner Free School at Coatham. For many years, the Turner Schools at Kirkleatham Hall have been in an undesirable condition; in fact, they have fallen into a state of desuetude. Recently, the trustees of Sir Wm Turner obtained land at Coatham for new schools, and conveyed the old buildings at Kirleatham Hall to the present resident, Mr Newcomen.
A large number of persons assembled on Saturday to witness the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone. Immediately on leaving the Redcar Railway Station, persons were attracted to the site for the schools by flags flying in a field to the west. At twelve o'clock, the proceedings were commenced by the Rev Robt Lay Page, incumbent of Coatham, offering up prayer. A psalm was then sung by the church choir, after which a short service was intoned. Mr Joseph Dodds, of Stockton, then presented Mr A H T Newcomen, Kirkleatham Hall, lord of the manor, and chairman of the trustees of the school, with a beautiful silver trowel, bearing an appropriate inscription.
Mr Newcomen then formally laid the stone, after which he said he trusted that the building they had commenced so successfully would be completed in safety, and that, as an institution, it would long flourish. The intentions of the founder, he trusted, would be carried out in their entirety. A psalm was then sung, and the proceedings terminated.
The schools will be erected in the Gothic style, and will be 103 feet 6 inches long, 52 feet wide, and four stories high. There will be ample accommodation for a number of boarders. The main front of the building will face Coatham Road, and at the gable end there will be a lofty tower. A large dining hall and a covered play shed will be on the ground floor, immediately over which will be the school-room, with open timber roof, and class-rooms in the rear to the south. There will also be a commodious residence for the master. The entire cost of the building will be under £4,000.