From The Weekly Exchange
(price One Penny)
Thursday 25 January 1877
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Local Board for the District of Guisbro', in the County of York, are prepared to receive TENDERS for the removal of house refuse from premises, and the cleansing of earth closets, privies, ashpits, and cesspools, and for the carting away of street sweepings within their district for twelve months, commencing on the 1st March next, on either or both of the following conditions, viz:-
1. The refuse, night soil, ashes, manure, &c., so removed to be the property of the contractorThe Contractor will be required to enter into an agreement with the Board for the due performance of his duties, a draft of which agreement can be seen at my office at any time between the hours of 10am and 4pm.
2. The same to be the property of the Board. All the manure and other matters aforesaid must be removed to the Board's depot, and in a proper cart or carts provided for them.
Sealed Tenders to be sent in to me on or before the 26th inst.
Fountain-street, Guisbrough
From The Weekly Exchange
(price One Penny)
Thursday 1 March 1877
The usual fortnightly meeting of the Authority was held on Tuesday, Mr D T Petch in the chair. Mr Cully, the Government Inspector for the Northern District was present, and there was a larger attendance of Guardians than usual.
The Clerk (Mr Buchannan) reported that proceedings for the closing of Agaer's property at Coatham, were pending before the magistrates. Mr Coulson had connected his drain at Coatham. Mr Semple had asked if the Board had assumed the responsibility of keeping the drain in order, when he (the clerk) had informed him that the junction had been made by order of the Authority, and the Authority were prepared to bear the onus of the act. In the matter of Harrison's claim for surveying Moorsholm, the clerk was instructed to offer him again the sum of £6. 2s in full settlement of his claim without prejudice.
Mr Cully then addressed the Board at considerable length on the extension of the district of the Medical Officer. Stokesley, South Stockton and Redcar ought to be included in the district, and he thought the Local Government Board would use pressure to compel them to come in. The district with these extensions would be a workable one, and might be effficiently superintended and more economically than the present more restricted district.
When these alterations were made, Mr Cully pointed out that it would be best for the Authority to engage their Medical Officer for a term of years. He proposed a meeting of representatives from the Guardians and Local Board interested at Middlesbrough, perhaps on Wednesday next. When he met these representatives he would be better prepared to lay the scheme before them.
Some further discussion having taken place on the matter, the report of the Medical Officer (Dr Keith) was read and adopted. A death from typhoid fever was reported as having occurred in Pearl-street, Saltburn, and the officer was of opinion it had arisen from the air being poisoned with sewer gas. The owner had intimated his willingness to have the whole of the house drainage ventilated and put in an efficient state.
The call upon the various townships in the district of the Authority was signed, the total amount being £297. 16s. 4d. for special, and £795 for general expenses. This was the whole of the business.