From The Weekly Exchange
(price one penny)
Thursday 25 January 1877
The young man William Cockfield, who was seriously injured on Saturday evening at Messrs Blair and Co's Marine Engine Works, at Stockton through the breaking of a crane, died yesterday afternoon at the New Surgical Hospital, Bowesfield-lane, whither he was conveyed immediately after the accident.An inquest was held on the body Mr Coroner Settle at the New Hospital this afternoon. A verdict of "Died from injuries received" was returned.
Thursday 1 March 1877
On Monday evening, Mr Robert Graham (who has relinquished his situation as a foreman at Messrs Blair and Co's Marine Engine Works), was presented by the workmen at this establishment with a handsome timepiece, and a valuable gold brooch was at the same time presented through him to his wife. The presentation took place at the Borough Hotel, of which house Mr Graham has become landlord. Mr John Wood, on behalf of the subscribers, presented the articles and referred to the esteem in which Mr Graham was held by the workmen; and Mr Graham suitably acknowledged the kindness which they had shown him.