Friday, 27 December 2013

News from Guisborough & Stockton: January 1877

From The Weekly Exchange
(price One Penny)

Thursday 25 January 1877

The bells of the Parish Church rang merrily last Thursday in celebration of the wedding of Mr J W Clarke, agent to Admiral Chaloner, and Miss Marjorie Gow, daughter of Mr Gow, agent to Sir Walter Trevelyan, Northumberland.  The marriage took place at St George's Chapel, Hanover-square, London.
Jock Clarke was a son of the Revd Henry Clarke of Guisborough (1831-61) and brother of author and journalist Henry Savile Clarke.
A scientific novelty has been brought to the aid of our local industry.  A few evenings ago, passengers by the Quayside at Stockton or over the bridge may have been a little startled by the perception of a brilliant light located on the southern side of the river.   It was not like a flare, nor the glare of a furnace; and gas, or any ordinary illuminator, was out of the question.

It was the novelty of which I have spoken.  Messrs Head and Wrightson having a pressure of work on hand, and short days to do it in, bethought them of the beautiful expedient by which Messrs Hopkins, Gilkes and Co. have turned night into day for convenience in the building of Tay Bridge.

This they have done by the use of two of Gramme's electro-magnetic machines, which are fixed in a building close to the foundry engine and driven from it.  The electric current so generated is conveyed through insulated wires to two of Serrin's lamps, which are fixed in sentry boxes on the top of the hill overlooking the works.  Each of the lamps gives the light of a thousand candles, which is cast by a parbolic [sic] reflector in the direction required.  
Work proceeds in the night almost as freely as in the daytime; and the range of the illumination may be judeged of by the fact that in the hours of darkness the time can be read on a watch two miles away from the lamps.  On a smaller scale, Messrs Head and Wrightson have called into requisition the electric light.  They are perfectly satisfied, I understand, with their experimental lighting up on the occasion mentioned, though the important adjunt, a reflector, was wanting; and I believe it is their intention to perfect the apparatus for ordinary use.  I expect the example will be widely followed. - "Local Gossip," South Durham and Cleveland Mercury

Friday, 20 December 2013

News from Brotton, Bilsdale and Castleton: 1 March 1877

From The Weekly Exchange
(Price One Penny)

Thursday, 1 March 1877

NEW RECTORY. – The erection of the new rectory for the Rev J Bell, M.A., has just been commenced by Mr Thomas Dickinson, builder, of Saltburn, from plans prepared by Messrs Ross and Lamb, architects, of Darlington


ACCIDENT. – A narrow escape from drowning happened one day last week, near Bilsdale.  Mary Ann Collier, the wife of William Collier, Carnforth, who lives in one of the Mount Cottages, was across at the village of Chop Yat, with her two children. 
The road is over a foot bridge across the beck, and the latter being rather swollen with the late heavy rains, on returning, the elder child, about 4 years of age, slipped off the bridge into the stream.  At the place where the bridge crosses is a whirlpool of great depth, but the mother, fearless of any danger where the life of her child was concerned, dashed into the water and rescued the child, though not without difficulty. 
The husband had just returned from work, and the cottage being only about fifty yards from the beck, hearing a scream, he rushed off to the water's edge in time to assist his thoroughly exhausted wife and child home, where, it is needless to add, they were soon delivered from their uncomfortable situation.


At the Guisbrough Petty Sessions on Tuesday, before Canon Yeoman, R Yeoman, and James Merryweather, Esqs., James Raw, woodman, Castleton, who did not appear, was charged by Mr Appleton, schoolwarden, with neglecting to send two of his children to school.  The children, the warden stated, had missed 14 times during the past few weeks.  The case was adjourned for a short while for the production of the bye-laws of the Board.  On returning into court, Mr Appleton produced the bye-laws, stating in answer to the Bench that he was not aware there was any sickness in the family.
Hannah Watson was then charge with not sending two of her children to school at Danby, by the same officer.  The defendant was a widow, with a family of five children.  She lived close to the school, and had been warned of the non-attendance of her children.
Isaac Smith was similarly charged.  He was a millwright, and had not a large family.  The child had only attended seven times in January.
Order made to attend school and pay the costs.

Friday, 13 December 2013

25 January 1877: Public Notices in the Middlesbrough press

From The Weekly Exchange
(price One Penny)

Thursday 25 January 1877

THE ANNIVERSARY of the BIRTH of ROBERT BURNS will this year be held in the CLEVELAND HOTEL, Smeaton-street, North Ormesby, on January 25th.  ANGUS MACPHERSON, Esq., editor of the "People's Centenary Edition of Burns," in the chair.  Dinner on the table at 5.30pm.  Tickets 4s, may be had at the bar of the Hotel, or of any of the members of the committee.  All are hereby invited to the Festival, whatever their nationality.
Lessee - Mr T HOLMES
Manageress - Mrs A CHAPLIN
Glorious Success!  Crowded Nightly.  Acknowledged by the Public and Press to be the Greatest Production ever witnessed in Stockton, both in Talent, Dress, and Scenic Effect.  Hundreds unable each evening to gain admission.  The Curtain will rise every Evening at Seven, with the Grand and Gorgeous
Under the personal direction and superintendance of Mrs AMELIA CHAPLIN and Mr WALTER LEWIS, assisted by Mr A L BARON.
Adapted for this Theatre by Mr W LEWIS, entitled
Harlequina - Miss EMILY VINNING
Pantaloon - Mr W H MORGAN
Centre Boxes, 2s; Side Boxes and Pit Stalls, 1s.; Pit and Upper Boxes, 6d; Gallery, 4d.
Doors open at 6.30, commence at 7.
Box Plan at Heavisides and Son's, 4, Finkle-street, Stockton, where places and tickets may be secured.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a separate building named "The Primitive Methodist Chapel" situate in the Back Lane in the parish of Stokesley in the County of York, and in the district of Stokesley, being a building certified according to law as a place of religious worship, was on the third day of January 1877, duly Registered for solemnizing Marriages therein, pursuant to the Act of 6th and 7th, William 4th, chapter 85.
Witness my hand this fourth day of January 1877.
Superintendant Registrar

Friday, 6 December 2013

For sale in 1877: the Linthorpe Steam Brick & Tile Works

From The Weekly Exchange
(price One Penny)

Thursday 25 January 1877
 The Borough Steam Brick and Tile Works, Dwelling-house, Lands and Premises, near Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

To be SOLD BY AUCTION, at the house of Mr Medforth, The Talbot Hotel, Middlesbro', on TUESDAY, the 30th day of January, 1877, at Two for Three o'clock in the Afternoon, and subject to conditions to be then read,
Mr JOSHUA BROWN, Auctioneer.

ALL that Freehold DWELLING-HOUSE, with the Outbuildings to the same belonging; and the Piece or Parcel of LAND, containing by estimation 3a. 3r. 9p., more or less, together with the appurtenances to the same belonging, situate in the Township of Linthorpe, in the County of York, now or late in the occupation of Mr Isaac Cornelius Tidman.

There are various Buildings on the premises for Making and Drying Bricks, and a Seam or Seams of valuable Clay, containing 20ft.
Persons who intend purchasing are recommended to view the premises, and further information may be obtained of Mr JOSHUA BROWN, Auctioneer, Middlesbrough; of Mr WILCOX, Solicitor, Stokesley; and at the Offices of Messrs ALLISON, SON, & WILLAN, Solicitors, Darlington.
Darlington, 5th January, 1877

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Search box

Sorry about the search box not working - this problem is happening to other Blogger websites, and I'm hoping that Google will soon put it right.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Items for Sale, 25 January 1877: from the Middlesbrough Weekly Exchange

From The Weekly Exchange
(price One Penny)

Thursday 25 January 1877

FOR SALE, Fine-toned Pianoforte, by Henry Ward.

FOR SALE, a very superior carved oak Cabinet and Sideboard to match, with plate-glass back.

FOR SALE, Phaeton, little worse than new; also very useful Whitechapel, Cab, Landau, and Brake.

FOR SALE, Bakery, in central position.

IMESON-TERRACE, Linthorpe-road.- Capital Family Residence, containing drawing-room, dining-room, kitchen, sitting-room, five bedrooms, cellar kitchen, wine cellar, W.C., stable coach-house, and good garden, etc.

GROVE-HILL. - Family Residence, containing ten rooms, stable, coach-house, and large garden.

NEW LINTHORPE. - A very substantially built Residence, with stable and coach-house, etc.

CANNON-STREET. - The best Business Premises in this capital thoroughfare.

WILSON-STREET.- A well-built corner House and Shop, with cellars, etc

NEWPORT-ROAD. - Two very central and well-built Houses and Shops, with plate-glass windows.

BROTTON.- Eight three-roomed Houses, let on 20 years' lease.

Also, over 250 three and four-roomed Houses in Garden, Vaughan, Hatherley, Lime, Calthorpe, and other streets, for particulars, apply W. JEFF, 36, Albert Road.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Properties for sale and to let in Middlesbrough, 1877

from The Weekly Exchange
(Price One Penny)

1 March 1877
TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION at the Globe Hotel, South Street, Middlesbrough, on MONDAY, the 5th day of March, 1877, at three for four o'clock in the afternoon precisely.
MR JOSHUA BROWN, Auctioneer.
Subject to such conditions as shall then and there be read.
ALL that valuable freehold MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE with Shop situate No 5, South-street, Middlesbrough, and adjoining to the Globe Hotel on the north, containing in the basement, kitchen and other conveniences, on the ground floor shop, yard, and conveniences, on the first floor sitting room and two bedrooms.
This property is in one of the best thoroughfares in Middlesbrough, and within a few yards of the Market place.  As an investment it is most desirable.
Further particulars may be obtained of the Auctioneer, or on application at the offices of
Solicitors, Yarm, and Stockton-on-Tees

TO LET, Two Ten-roomed HOUSES, fitted with every convenience, large garden, situate in Gunnergate-terrace, Corporation-road.  Five capital Eleven-room HOUSES, in Grange-road.  Two good DWELLING-HOUSES in Gilkes-street

FOR SALE, Four Houses, and Two Plate-Glass Fronted Shops, being and situate Nos. 10, 12, 14, and 16, Gurney-street, Middlesbrough; close to centre of town, the North-Eastern Railway Station, Post-office, and Cattle market. – For particulars, apply to Mr J BROWN; Offices, 53, Wilson-street, Middlesbrough

TO LET – SEMI-DETACHED VILLA, in Eastbourne-road, Linthorpe Estate, containing eight rooms, including bathroom, with a plentiful supply of hot water; gas fittings and venetian blinds in all the rooms; also a quarter acre garden well stocked with all kinds of fruit trees in full bearing; commodious piggeries and hen-houses.  Now occupied by Mr Shaw.  Apply, Mr STAINSBY, Goods Manager, Middlesbrough

THREE SITES of LAND for Sale in Sailors' Trod, Middlesbrough, at reasonable rates. – Apply to T CASWELL, 25, Lower East-street, Middlesbrough

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Sidgwick family in Enterpen in the early C19

This beautifully engrossed indenture dated 18 July 1828 is part of the legal paperwork by which Edward Meynell the younger of Enterpen, weaver, bought property in Enterpen from John Sidgwick of Broughton, yeoman.

John Sidgwick was one of the sons of the late John Sidgwick of Enterpen, linen manufacturer. 

He had inherited the property from his father – and he had previously inherited it from his father, also called John Sidgwick, who had bought it from the Flintoff family in 1779.

John Sidgwick of Broughton was selling Edward Meynell two houses in Enterpen with the garden lying behind them.  They had been in the occupation of the late John Sidgwick, and were now tenanted by Thomas Hawman and James Meek. 

The properties are described as being bordered to the east and north by a house and grounds belonging to John Sidgwick of Broughton – to the west by ground belonging to Sarah Sidgwick – and to the south by the King's Highway leading from Hutton near Rudby to East Rounton.

A comparison with the Tithe Map, in which Edward Meynell is shown as owning a house and garden of 22 ½ perches, indicates that the property lay at the eastern end of Enterpen, to the west of the old Station Hotel. 

It is clear from the Tithe Map that the Sidgwick family still dominated that end of Enterpen in the 1830s.  John the linen manufacturer and his father John before him had clearly laid down a good inheritance for their successors.

Note: the first John Sidgwick acquired the land by "certain indentures of lease and release bearing date respectively 15th and 16th May 1779 and the release made or expressed to be made between George Flintoff and Ann Flintoff widow (1) John Newsam (2) and the said John Sidgwick the Grandfather (3)"

One of the witnesses was William Weatherill – perhaps an early appearance by William Weatherill, solicitor of Guisborough?  Possibly.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Reckless driving near Stockton in 1877

From The Weekly Exchange
(Price One Penny)

Thursday 1 March 1877
At the County Petty Sessions at Stockton this morning, Frank Clayton, a Stockton cabman of notorious character, was charged with being drunk in charge of a horse and conveyance.  Mr Bolsover prosecuted on behalf of Mr J P Jewson, music teacher.

On the evening of the 15th of February, Mr Jewson, who had been at the Titiens’ Concert, was driving, about eleven o’clock, to Hartburn from Stockton.  When near to the first bridge in Yarm-road, they saw the defendant driving a conveyance at a furious rate in an opposite direction on the wrong side of the road.  Mr Jewson’s driver drew out of the way as much as possible, but was unable to prevent an accident, and the two vehicles collided.

The splashboard of Mr Jewson’s was broken to atoms, a carriage lamp was broken, and other damage was done.  The shaft of defendant’s conveyance struck Mr Jewson, jnr., on the arm, and bruised it.  Defendant’s late employer was called to state that he had been compelled to discharge the defendant on account of his drunken habits and for having injured a horse and carriage by his carelessness.

The defendant had practically no defence.

The bench fined him £2, including costs, or two months hard labour.  They cautioned him as to his future conduct.

but on the bright side...

The reading-room in connection with the Corporation Free Library was opened on Tuesday.  It is situated in the Freemasons old Hall in Wellington-street.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Messrs Blair & Co Marine Engine Works: 1877

Newspaper reports from the Stockton works of George Young Blair of Drumrauch Hall, Hutton Rudby:

From The Weekly Exchange
(price one penny)

Thursday 25 January 1877

The young man William Cockfield, who was seriously injured on Saturday evening at Messrs Blair and Co's Marine Engine Works, at Stockton through the breaking of a crane, died yesterday afternoon at the New Surgical Hospital, Bowesfield-lane, whither he was conveyed immediately after the accident. 

An inquest was held on the body Mr Coroner Settle at the New Hospital this afternoon.  A verdict of "Died from injuries received" was returned.

Thursday 1 March 1877

On Monday evening, Mr Robert Graham (who has relinquished his situation as a foreman at Messrs Blair and Co's Marine Engine Works), was presented by the workmen at this establishment with a handsome timepiece, and a valuable gold brooch was at the same time presented through him to his wife.  The presentation took place at the Borough Hotel, of which house Mr Graham has become landlord.  Mr John Wood, on behalf of the subscribers, presented the articles and referred to the esteem in which Mr Graham was held by the workmen; and Mr Graham suitably acknowledged the kindness which they had shown him.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Bonfire Night

For some years now, Guy Fawkes' Night has been marked by organised displays of fireworks.  It seems a long time ago that families and villages celebrated with a few fireworks and as big a bonfire as they could manage – and now the expense of insurance and the effects of the recession are curtailing the municipal displays.  

This account from Bill Cowley's Cleveland Calendar is for those of you with fond memories of the days when November the Fifth meant, above all, bonfires ...
A great pile of hedge-trimmings makes a good start for a bonfire on November 5th.  From the vantage point of Potto Hill our children used to look out to see the bonfires starting up across half the Cleveland Plain – an early starter at Ingleby Cross, Swainby a few fields away, a dozen farm bonfires like our own starring the darkness north west to Crathorne, then three miles to the north the sky would be glowing with the great holocaust that Hutton Rudby produces.  Seamer, Stokesley, Carlton, Faceby – and all the time rockets would be going up into the great arc of the Cleveland sky, to burst in blue and red and silver, whilst the rapid-fire of crackers and bangers sounded like a minor war.  As we stirred the last embers of our own fire, smoke and sparks from a dozen others would still be mounting into the night, punctuating the dark horizon with their repetition of an ancient sacrifice to the dying year.  Fingers smelling of woodsmoke and gunpowder we could leave the night to other revellers, satisfied at having played our part in this pagan ritual.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Middlesbrough Football Club plays Tees Wanderers, February 1877

from The Weekly Exchange
(Price One Penny)

Thursday 1 March 1877

On Saturday afternoon a match (Association rules) was played between eleven of the Tees Wanderers and eleven of the Middlesbrough Football Club, on the archery ground of the Albert Park.  There was a good attendance of visitors.

The ball was kicked off by Mr Harvey (captain of the Middlesbrough Club).  A very strong wind was blowing against the Wanderers, but, notwithstanding this, some excellent play was witnessed.  The ball was taken towards the Wanderers’ goal, and kept near the whole of the half with one exception, when it was again taken back in very good play by Jenkins, and a goal kicked by Ewbank.

In the second half the wind was with the Wanderers, who after showing some excellent play, succeeded in making a goal, thus making a tie, both sides having one goal each.  The playing of Lees, Ewbank, Jenkins, and Hildreth for the Middlesbrough Club was very good.  As was also that of Logan, Dickens, and Wilson.

The sides were as follows:- Middlesbrough Club: Harvey, (captain) goal keeper; Windross, Hardisty, backs; Booth, Parkin, half backs; Lees, Ewbank, Greenwood, Jenkins, Harson, Hildreth, forwards.  Wanderers:- E Wilson, goal keeper; Brewster, Wilson, backs; Dickens, Addyman, half backs; Bell (captain), Child, Napier, Brewster, Logan, and W Richardson, forwards.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

St Mary's Church, Whitby

St Mary's, seen from beside the table tomb of George Langborne (1773-1832) and his wife Jane Galilee and their family:

a view of the table tomb from the church ...

Views of the church interior ... not very good quality photos, I know! ... but enough to give an idea of its charm ... the three-decker pulpit ...  and the stove is the only heating for the nave ...

Saturday, 26 October 2013

A visit to Whitby

Some snaps of Whitby ...

Views from the East Cliff:

and with the mini Endeavour coming in:

If you haven't already visited the Whitby Museum in Pannett Park, surely these photographs will tempt you?  It's simply the nicest museum in the country ...

There's something there for all the family ...

Who would want to miss the Hand of Glory?  It was believed that using the mummified hand of a hanged man as a candle holder would enable a thief to cast a charm that would send the household to sleep ...


The replica of the Tempest Prognosticator -
unfortunately Dr Merryweather of Hutton Rudby and Whitby did not make his fortune with this leech-powered barometer 
A glimpse of a few of the toys on display ...

dinosaurs, fossils ...

the ship carved by French prisoners of war from the bones from their meat ration ...

 more tiny ships ...

of particular interest to this blog, the Letter of Marque of Michael Langborne, which set him up as a licensed pirate ...

I have only mentioned a fraction of the fascinating things to be seen ... there is so much to see ... plenty of Whitby history on display ...

and there is a fascinating exhibition on at the moment about Bram Stoker and Whitby, based on ongoing research by members of the Whitby Lit & Phil - where did Stoker stay?  which local characters appear in Dracula?

and before you leave the museum to admire the view of the Abbey, don't forget to visit the café!

Friday, 25 October 2013

The Middlesbrough Weekly Exchange: news of Cleveland industry, 1 March 1877

from The Weekly Exchange
(Price One Penny)

1 March 1877

The iron market was but thinly attended to-day, and there was not much business transacted.  Prices are still tending downwards owing to the want of enquiry, the following being the quotations: – No. 1, 48s; No. 3, 44s 6d, f.o.b.; No. 4, 43s 6d; forge 43s net; truck brands 6d less, Bars very flat, but no specifications are coming to hand.  Plates keep firm as makers have work in hand.


Shortly before seven o'clock on Wednesday morning an explosion occurred at Messrs Hopkins, Gilkes, and Co's Teesside Ironworks, Middlesbrough.  Although the explosion is not accompanied by much injury to property, yet the results were such as to place the lives of eight persons in jeopardy.

At the time named a number of men employed in their works were sitting around a ball furnace getting their breakfast before commencing work, when a portion of refuse from the iron in the furnace, which is known as "tap" or "cinder," fell out of the furnace into the ash hole, which is always supplied with water; and the "tap" being heated to such an intensity that it ran like water; an explosion at once took place, and inflicted scalds and burns on a boy named Jeremiah Modigan and seven men, named John Barrit, Thomas Reddan, Michael McManus, Arthur Lochrane, Owen Thomas, John Shean, and Francis Fillijalick.

The two last-named were taken to their homes, their injuries not being so severe, but the other six were very severely burned, and they were conveyed to the North Riding Infirmary.


While a man named William Smith was charging a hole he had drilled in the ironstone with powder, preparatory to firing it, by some means the powder caught fire, and exploded, completely blowing the man over and seriously injuring his face, which got dreadfully burnt.  He was afterwards removed to the Miner's Accident Hospital at Guisborough.

NORTH RIDING INFIRMARY. – Report for week ending Feb 23, 1877. – In-patients – admitted during the week, 6; discharged cured, 3; relieved, 1; died, 0; remaining in the house, 41.  Out-patients: New cases, 17; number attended this week, 109.  The following contributions are thankfully acknowledged:- B Samuelson and Co (firm), £30; papers and periodicals from Mrs Bolckow, Messrs R Simpson, H G Reid, Burnett and Hood, the Middlesbrough Printing Co., and the Railway Station boxes.


Lloyd's Committee has posted the screwsteamer James Mason as missing.  She sailed from Cardiff with a cargo of coals for Gibraltar, and has not been seen since.  She was a steamer of 870 tons gross, 99 nominal h.p., built at Middlesbrough in 1872 classed 100 A1 at Lloyd's, and owned by Messrs Dixon and Harris, of London.  She was worth about £18,000, and her cargo about £12,000.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Hutton Rudby commemorative mugs

Marking the centenary of the Parish Council in 1994

Remembering V.E. Day in 1995

The Millennium Mug

The reverse of the Millennium Mug

Friday, 18 October 2013

Sanitary matters in Guisborough, 1877

Glimpses of the work of local government from 1877:

From The Weekly Exchange
(price One Penny)

Thursday 25 January 1877
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Local Board for the District of Guisbro', in the County of York, are prepared to receive TENDERS for the removal of house refuse from premises, and the cleansing of earth closets, privies, ashpits, and cesspools, and for the carting away of street sweepings within their district for twelve months, commencing on the 1st March next, on either or both of the following conditions, viz:-
1.  The refuse, night soil, ashes, manure, &c., so removed to be the property of the contractor
2.  The same to be the property of the Board.  All the manure and other matters aforesaid must be removed to the Board's depot, and in a proper cart or carts provided for them.
The Contractor will be required to enter into an agreement with the Board for the due performance of his duties, a draft of which agreement can be seen at my office at any time between the hours of 10am and 4pm.
Sealed Tenders to be sent in to me on or before the 26th inst.
Fountain-street, Guisbrough

From The Weekly Exchange
(price One Penny)

Thursday 1 March 1877
The usual fortnightly meeting of the Authority was held on Tuesday, Mr D T Petch in the chair.  Mr Cully, the Government Inspector for the Northern District was present, and there was a larger attendance of Guardians than usual.

The Clerk (Mr Buchannan) reported that proceedings for the closing of Agaer's property at Coatham, were pending before the magistrates.  Mr Coulson had connected his drain at Coatham.  Mr Semple had asked if the Board had assumed the responsibility of keeping the drain in order, when he (the clerk) had informed him that the junction had been made by order of the Authority, and the Authority were prepared to bear the onus of the act.  In the matter of Harrison's claim for surveying Moorsholm, the clerk was instructed to offer him again the sum of £6. 2s in full settlement of his claim without prejudice.

Mr Cully then addressed the Board at considerable length on the extension of the district of the Medical Officer.  Stokesley, South Stockton and Redcar ought to be included in the district, and he thought the Local Government Board would use pressure to compel them to come in.  The district with these extensions would be a workable one, and might be effficiently superintended and more economically than the present more restricted district.

When these alterations were made, Mr Cully pointed out that it would be best for the Authority to engage their Medical Officer for a term of years.  He proposed a meeting of representatives from the Guardians and Local Board interested at Middlesbrough, perhaps on Wednesday next.  When he met these representatives he would be better prepared to lay the scheme before them.

Some further discussion having taken place on the matter, the report of the Medical Officer (Dr Keith) was read and adopted.  A death from typhoid fever was reported as having occurred in Pearl-street, Saltburn, and the officer was of opinion it had arisen from the air being poisoned with sewer gas.  The owner had intimated his willingness to have the whole of the house drainage ventilated and put in an efficient state.

The call upon the various townships in the district of the Authority was signed, the total amount being £297. 16s. 4d. for special, and £795 for general expenses.  This was the whole of the business.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Entertainment in Middlesbrough, 1877

From The Weekly Exchange
(Price One Penny)

1 March 1877
On THURSDAY EVENING, March 1st, 1877.
For the Benefit of the

Under the distinguished Patronage and presence of H W F BOLCKOW, Esq., M.P., the Worshipful the MAYOR of MIDDLESBROUGH (D D Wilson, Esq.,) including the Members of the House Committee and Medical Staff of the North Riding Infirmary and Cottage Hospital, and the leading gentlemen of the town and district.
INSTRUMENTALISTS. – First Violins, Messrs. W F Smithers and J McKinlay; Second Violin, Mr Matz; Viola, Mr Tindall; Violoncello, Mr J Haire; Flute, Mr T Ganner; Cornet, Mr R Nelson; Solo Concertina, Mr W F Smithers; Pianoforte Mr Laycock.
VOCALISTS. – Sopranos, Masters W Brown and R Carter; Altos, Messrs R Bowler and J Easton; First Tenors, Messrs T V Richer and R Crewdson; Second Tenors, Messrs S Collinson and E T Shields; Baritones, Messrs S H Rich and Goose; Bassos, Messrs W Hermitage and G Anderson; Johnson, Mr White; Bones and Tambourine.
Reserved Seats, 3s; Second Seats, 2s; Back Seats, 1s.  Doors open at 7, to commence at 7.45 precisely.
Plan of Reserved Seats may be seen and seats secured at Mr S LEACH'S, 44, Wilson-street.
EDWIN T SHIELDS, Hon. Secretary.
Secretary's Office, 98, Corporation-road


In connection with the opening of the above Hall, the following MEETINGS will be held:-
MONDAY, March 5, Tea Party and Public Meeting
TUESDAY, March 6, Monstre Templar Demonstration
WEDNESDAY, March 7, Grand Alliance Meeting
THURSDAY, March 8, Popular Entertainment
FRIDAY, March 9, Lecture by Mr JOHN PATON.
For particulars, see bills and programmes

Friday, 4 October 2013

Education in Middlesbrough, 1877

from The Weekly Exchange,
(Price One Penny)

1 March 1877

English Subjects. – Arithmetic, taught by two certified resident English Governesses.
French, taught by Madame GOUGET, Parisian diplômée, long experience in Teaching.  German, by Mr SCHVENK, of Redcar.  Drawing, by Madame GOUGET, pupil of Rosa Bonheur, prix d'honneur de 1855.  Needlework, Madame GOUGET.  Italian, Latin, and Greek, by competent Masters.
English in all its branches ... ... £1. 1s. 0d
Music, as well as all other extras, ... £0. 10s. 0d
Great attention will be paid to Manners and Behaviour.
Pupils prepared for the Oxford and Cambridge examinations.
There will be a few Vacancies for Boarders after the Midsummer holidays.  Terms moderate and inclusive.
References kindly permitted to Mrs J W Pease, Mrs Pennyman, Mrs H Cochrane, Mrs R Dixon, Mrs Charlton, Mrs E F Jones, Mrs Dunning, Mrs H F Craggs, Mrs W Taylor, Mrs Reid, Rev A C Smith, Mr Dunning (the Mayor), &c.
A Quarter's notice required previous to the removal of a Pupil.

Was Mme Gouget's school successful?  I haven't been able to find it in the 1881 census ... Frederick Schwenk, the German teacher, lived with his family in Coatham. 



Comprising French and German; Harmony, Piano, Harmonium, Organ, Violin, Cello, and other String, Reed, and Brass Instruments.


BROUGHAM-STREET ACADEMY, Middlesbrough.  Designed to impart a sound and comprehensive education, on strictly moderate terms.


MONDAY, 3 to 5pm, for Ladies and Juveniles.
MONDAY, 7 to 10pm, for Learners.
FRIDAY, 7.45pm, for Improvement.
The New Valse "Trois Temps" is taught.
Special arrangements for the new valse "Trois Temps," private lessons, families, schools, and parties of eight. – 
Further particulars
Second Quarter commenced FRIDAY, December 29th 1876

Friday, 27 September 2013

Shopping in Middlesbrough, 1877

Trade advertisements from The Weekly Exchange
(price one penny)

Thursday 25 January 1877
10, 12, AND 14, SOUTH-STREET

A.H. respectfully invites the attention of the Inhabitants of the South Side of the town to his Shop at the

It is supplied with Goods the same, and at the same Prices as his South-street Shop, and which for Price and Quality will bear comparison with any house in the Kingdom.

Should buy


Begs to call special attention to the
Which is now complete with all the Newest Designs in


And having secured the services of a THOROUGHLY-QUALIFIED AND PRACTICAL
CUTTER, Gentlemen favouring him with their Orders may always rely upon getting a
 At a Moderate Price.

Of the Newest Designs always on hand.



Respectfully intimates that he has on
hand a varied assortment of


Orders for Books, Newspapers, Periodicals,
Printing and Bookbinding punctually attended

The Largest and most extensive
Glass Warehouse, Carving and
Gilding, Picture Frame, Moulding, and
Mount Cutting Manufactury in the
North of England will be found at

6, 8, 10, & 12, GARDEN STREET,
R.S. is now replete in every branch of the above Businesses, having again extended his Premises, and is now in a position to offer to the "Trade and public in general" (who he has great pleasure in thanking for their previous patronage) both GLASS, MOULDINGS, PICTURES and FRAMES, and every other requisite, at Unrivalled Prices.
Quality guaranteed not to be excelled.
For all kinds of Glass, Show Card Frames, Re-gilding, or any other branch of the above trade.

6, 8, 10, & 12, GARDEN STREET,
Off Linthorpe Road, and only Two minutes' walk from the Station.
Established 1861.

The Weekly Exchange: a Middlesbrough newspaper from 1877

I have found amongst my papers a couple of editions of The Weekly Exchange.  I'll post a selection from them over the next few weeks.  Some familiar names (Hintons) and some interesting stories ...

Sunday, 22 September 2013

The Live Bait Squadron: 99 years ago

On this day in 1914, three British cruisers were sunk in the North Sea, torpedoed by a solitary German submarine.  The Hogue, Aboukir and Cressy were lost with the lives of 1,459 men and boys.

John Duncan Stubbs 1899-1914
Amongst them was John Duncan Stubbs, always known as Duncan.  He was born in Coatham, attended Coatham School, and lived in Nunthorpe. 

Men from Whitby were among the 837 lucky survivors.

If you are related to anybody from the cruisers, visit the Live Bait Squadron website and make contact with Henk van der Linden.

He is preparing for a centenary commemoration next year and wants to hear from you.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Hutton Rudby by Alfred M Aldersen

I haven't photographed this limited edition poster very well, but it's too pretty to leave out ...

Friday, 13 September 2013

News from Hutton Rudby: 1875 & 1876

York Herald
Thursday 21 October 1875

from an account of the Quarter Sessions at Northallerton
The Chairman, in his charge to the Grand Jury, said he was sorry he could not congratulate them upon any decrease in the extent of crime in the Riding, as there were no fewer than twenty-nine cases to be disposed of at these Sessions.  Although the number did not exceed the usual amount, yet the crimes charged against the prisoners were of a very grave character.  There were three cases of housebreaking, sixteen of stealing, two of unlawful wounding, three of uttering counterfeit coin, one of indecent assault, one of unlawful shooting, one of horse stealing, and two of obtaining goods under false pretences.  This was indeed a very serious list of offences.
And one of the offences was committed in Hutton Rudby.  Perhaps this was a prank that went wrong?  At any rate, the accused was acquitted. 
Robbery from the person at Hutton Rudby
James Honeyman (22), greengrocer, was indicted for stealing a purse containing £3 and several articles of wearing apparel from the person of Jonathan Fairburn, at Hutton Rudby, on the 4th inst.  Mr Darnbrough prosecuted, and Mr Thompson defended prisoner. 

Prosecutor is a labourer, and resides at Appleton Wiske, but on the day in question he was at Hutton Rudby, where he met the prisoner and two men named Passman and Barr.  Several public-houses were visited, and at length the prosecutor became intoxicated.  They each got a bottle of spirits and walked together along the high road towards Crathorne, after going some distance they sat down on the bank side and partook of the spirits. Prosecutor fell asleep, and on awaking found he had been robbed of his money and other property. 

Passman and Barr accompanied the prosecutor and the prisoner on the road, and saw the robbery committed whilst watching through an adjoining fence.  To them the prisoner offered half a sovereign to purchase their silence, but they declined, and gave information to the police. 

Evidence was called for the defence to show that Passman had seen the prisoner's father and said to him that he, Barr, and Honeyman were in trouble, and that they must go to the prosecutor and make it up.  Passman also told the prisoner's father that he did not see the robbery committed. 
The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.

The following report probably relates to the Mr Sherwood named in the Tree Planting map and notes.

Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough
Monday 24 July 1876

Hutton Rudby
MR WM JEFF is instructed to SELL BY AUCTION, on MONDAY, July 24th, 1876, at the house of Mr J R Sherwood, Butcher, &c, under power of a bill of sale, the whole of his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and effects; also, that well known GREY COB, 14 hands high; Spring Roller, Spring Cart, Harness, New Straw Cutter and other Implements, &c, &c.
Sale at Two p.m. prompt.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Grove House, Harrogate: 1912

Grove House, Harrogate 1912

Following my last blogpost, here is a second Yorkshire property from the Knight, Frank & Rutley brochure of 1912.

Grove House was the home of Samson Fox (1838-1903), engineer, industrialist and philanthropist. 

A remarkable man and a great benefactor of Harrogate, he was the ancestor of the celebrated Fox family acting dynasty – as you may know, if you saw the episode of Who Do You Think You Are? that featured Emilia Fox. 

There is a history of the house on wikipedia and jolly photos of Edward Fox unveiling a plaque at Grove House in May 2012 here.

Ten minutes walk from Harrogate Station

A Valuable Residential Property
known as

Extending to 75 Acres

Or the House and nearly 15 Acres would be sold separately

The Handsome Stone-built Mansion stands 300 feet
above sea level, in well laid out Pleasure Grounds.  It
contains: –  Staircase Hall 33 ft. by 17 ft., Drawing
Room 30 ft. by 20 ft., Dining Room 26 ft. by 20 ft.,
Billiard Room 30 ft. by 20 ft., Library 26 ft. by 18 ft.,
Magnificent Ballroom or Picture Gallery 42 ft. by
30 ft., Study, Morning Room, Business Room, 26
Lofty Bed and Dressing Rooms (three of the Dressing
Rooms are fitted with Baths), Bathroom and the usual
Domestic Offices

Electric Light and Acetylene Gas installed
Modern Sanitation

Stabling for 17 Horses - Grooms’ Rooms
Motor-house with Pit, Two Cottages, Farmery

The Pleasure Grounds include Tennis and Croquet
Lawns, Flower Gardens, Small Lake, Museum and
Observatory with Telescope.

The 60 Acres of Meadowland
Which are ripe for development would not detract from
the privacy of the House and Grounds if built upon

Two Golf Links within two miles - Hunting with three Packs

Auctioneers & Land Agents Messrs. KNIGHT, FRANK & RUTLEY,
20, Hanover Square, London, W.
Grove House, Harrogate 1912

Monday, 2 September 2013

Probate of the Will of John Cole of Stokesley (c1812-1892)

John Cole of Stokesley made his Will on 19 December 1885. 

He left all his “household goods and Furniture plate linen Books Glass and China” to his two daughters Elizabeth Sarah and Jane.

His executors were William Robinson of Enterpen, Hutton Rudby, Yeoman, and George William Rickatson of Stokesley, Grocer.

The rest of his estate was divided equally between his daughters and his son William.

The Will was witnessed by C E Jameson, solicitor, Stokesley and J W Skeen, his clerk.

John Cole died on 2 February 1892, by which time William Robinson of Enterpen had died, so his Will was proved by George William Rickatson alone on 12 March 1892.  The gross value of his estate was £1,385. 10s. 0d.

John Cole was born in Gateshead and had lived in Stockton-on-Tees and Kirkby-in-Cleveland.  in his Will he is described as "gentleman", probably because he had been retired for some time.  In his working life, he had been an engine driver and a publican.  In 1861 he was running the Tilery Inn in Garbutt Street, Stockton-on-Tees.  By 1871 he had moved with his family to live near Stokesley and in 1881 he and his wife Elizabeth, then aged 69 and 55, were living at Cleveland Cottage in the parish of Kirkby-in-Cleveland near the Station Hotel, Stokesley. 

In 1891, John Cole was living in High Street, Stokesley.  He was a 70 year old widower, born in Gateshead, and in his household were his unmarried daughter Jane (30) and his married daughter Elizabeth S Passman (32).

Ten years earlier, he and his wife Elizabeth (55) had been living at Cleveland Cottage in the parish of Kirkby-in-Cleveland near the Station Hotel, Stokesley.  His wife was born in Hutton Rudby, and their unmarried daughters Jane and Elizabeth were with them.  They were then 24 and 25 years old, and had been born in Stockton. They had been living there for at least ten years

In 1861 John had been running the Tilery Inn in Garbutt Street, Stockton.  His son William was then an apprentice painter aged 19; there was a gap of 13 years between William and John's elder daughter Elizabeth.  The censuses show that William had been the middle son of three - there had also been an older boy, John, and a younger boy, James.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Thorpe Underwood Hall: 1912

I can date this Knight, Frank & Rutley brochure from the final pages, because they advertise  auction sales due to take place in May and June 1912.

Amongst the landed estates and large country houses featured is Thorpe Underwood Hall, Ouseburn.  This had been built only a few years earlier and was designed for Frederick William Slingsby by the York architect Walter Henry Brierley.

Between 1885 and 1926 he was responsible for over 300 buildings, including schools, churches, houses and civic buildings across the North, amongst them Northallerton County Hall – and, in 1923-4, the restoration of All Saints’, Hutton Rudby.  The extensive work on the church took eight months, and during that time the congregation was ferried out by bus to services held at Drumrauch Hall.

Thorpe Underwood Hall stands close to the site of the old Thorpe Green Hall, which had been destroyed by fire at the end of the 19th century, and which is remembered now for its connection to the Bronte family.

Thorpe Underwood Hall 1912

Anne Bronte lived at Thorpe Green as governess to the Robinson family.  She was joined by her brother Branwell, but his time there was to precipitate the crisis that led to his death.

The Monk's House mentioned in the Particulars (where it is claimed to be C16 – it is actually C17) was the home of Branwell while he was tutor to the Robinsons’ son.  His ink drawing of the back of the house is well-known, cf p282 of The Art of the Brontës by Christine Anne Alexander.

Thorpe Underwood Hall 1912

By direction of W SLINGSBY, Esq.
Within 2 1/2 miles Cattal Station, 5 miles Alne, 12 miles York and 11 miles Harrogate

A Fine Modern Mansion of Elizabethan Design
known as
"Thorpe Underwood Hall"

Between Harrogate and York
Extending to about 178 Acres

The Hall is most conveniently arranged on 2 Floors
Oak-panelled, and fitted throughout with every
Modern Convenience.  Electric Light Installed.  Accom-
modation: Large Oak-panelled Hall measuring
36ft. by 20ft., Billiard Room 27ft. by 20ft.,
Drawing Room 29ft. by 18ft., Dining Room
29ft. by 18ft., Morning Room, Boudoir, Business
Room, 20 Bed and Dressing Rooms, 2 Bathrooms
Park of nearly 100 Acres
Stabling for 8 horses
Attractive Pleasure Grounds

The Historic 16th Century Monk's House
is included

The Property is situated in the Middle of the York and Ainsty
Hunt and within reach of the Bramham Moor and Bedale Hunts

Illustrated Particulars on Application
Auctioneers & Land Agents Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley,
10, Hanover Square, London, W.C.

Thorpe Underwood Hall is now a school. 

Friday, 16 August 2013

The Stokesley parish magazine of 1876

A few notes from the Stokesley, Whorlton & Ingleby Parish Magazine of 1876.

(I find to my dismay that I can't find the source of these notes at the moment!  Perhaps if I have time to go through my hand-written notes, I'll find it.  I think the Northallerton County Library is the source).

The following services were held in January 1876:
Stokesley:  Sundays at 10.30 am and 6.30 pm, with a 2.30 pm service on the first Sunday of the month
Easby: Sundays at 2.30 pm
The Workhouse: Wednesdays at 6 pm

On Saints' Days there were services at Stokesley at 11 am and 7.30 pm.
Daily Prayer was held at 4.30 pm and 7.30 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays. 
Other activities:
Bible Class
Mothers' Meetings
Catechising at Church on Sunday afternoons
"working parties at the Rectory"
"an instruction class in church".
"In case of sickness … send at once to the Rectory, to the Rev R E Briggs, or to the Rev W V Palmer".

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Charles Bathurst of Skutterskelfe kills his butler: 1730

Local stories tell of the ghost known as the White Lady of Skutterskelfe. 

I was told that she’s more likely to be a trick of the light, from the mist that gathers where the road crosses the beck – though I have heard that somebody claims to have seen her recently.

This story suggests we might expect the ghost of Skutterskelfe to be a butler instead.

The manor of Skutterskelfe was sold by the Layton family to the Bathursts of Clints and Arkengarthdale in the middle of the 17th century. 

The founder of the family fortune was Dr John Bathurst, who was Oliver Cromwell’s physician and MP for Richmond in Yorkshire from 1656-8.

In 1727 his great-grandson Charles Bathurst, who was then aged about 24, decided to run for Parliament hoping to regain the seat his great-grandfather had held. 

He stood jointly with Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, who had been unsuccessful in an earlier attempt with Charles’ father in 1713.  With their friend the Mayor as returning officer (and with the assistance of a large number of unqualified people whom he allowed to vote for them) Bathurst and Wyvill were duly elected – but on their opponents’ petition the result was overturned. [1]

Charles did not attempt to stand for Parliament again – because, according to local tradition, he had become insane. 

He was certainly a man of hasty temper, as can be seen from the story that he threw a waiter down the stairs of the King’s Head at Richmond.  The poor man’s leg was broken and when the innkeeper plucked up the courage to remonstrate with Mr Bathurst – who owned the inn – he was told simply to “put it in the bill.”

In 1730 he killed his butler.

The story is to be found in the Archaeologia Aeliana, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, Vol 5 (1861) from Marske, by the Rev James Raine.  It was published by the Society of Antiquities of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the oldest provincial antiquarian society in the country, founded in 1813, and celebrating their bicentenary this year.  Their early publications are digitised and available online.

Here is the account of the murder, from a footnote to Mr Raine’s work:
The following narrative of a more fatal encounter is from his own statement and that of his servants, preserved among the Chaytor Archives. 
On Dec 1, 1730, Charles Bathurst, Esq., on returning from Stokesley to Skutterskelf, between 9 and 10 at night, found that his butler, David Bransby, who had served his father and himself many years, had that day been quarrelling with the stable boys and other servants.  
Speaking to Bransby, Mr B asked what was the reason, and calling the others, desired they would agree, gave Bransby and them each a broad piece of gold, and told Bransby that he loved him as well as any of the rest, and made each drink a horn of ale.  
Mr Bathurst drank two or three horns with his cousin, Mr John Motley, whom he had for many years supported, and was about to drink another, when Motley refused to drink, alleging the ale to be of a different kind from what they had drunk before.  
Bathurst insisted it was the same as he had drunk of himself, and, on some words, Motley said he was acting like a coward.  Bathurst then took him to a room where swords hung, and bade Motley take one and see which was the greatest coward, and drew another himself.  Motley would not, and on Bathurst saying,
"You are the greatest coward, and not I"
went out and Bransby with him, when Bathurst remarked, 
"It is a fine night, let them be locked out." 
He does not appear to have wished them to be kept out long, for on retiring to his bedchamber he took his sword to lay by his bedside to prevent any sudden attempt upon him by Motley, but requested his servant Crowder to take it down as soon as he was in bed and hang it up.  
In undressing he wanted some ribbon for sleeve strings to bind his shirtbands, and sent Crowder for it.  He heard a very great disturbance, and Crowder on his return told him that he had the ribbon from Bransby who was now come, and that he bade him tell his master so.  Bathurst replied 
"Perhaps my cousin Motley is likewise come in and will drink his horn of beer,  Very likely.  I shall take my sword down myself, and hang it up."  
He went down with his clothes loose, and in his slippers, having pulled off his shoes and stockings.  Crowder followed him down and saw Bransby lying dead on the floor. 
It seems that on arriving in the passage twixt the hall and the kitchen, Bathurst had heard Bransby swearing in the kitchen that neither his master nor anybody else should come into it, and if they did he would stab them and be their death with the poker.  
He must have come out into the dark passage, and there Bathurst did not see his antagonist but only his red-hot poker, with which in both hands he assaulted his master and burned his coat breast.  The latter, apprehending a second thrust, and to prevent further mischief, made a push with his sword and happened to give Bransby a wound in his right side, who instantly died, but even in his staggering endeavoured to strike with the poker. 
The surgeons said that Bransby must at the time of his death have had his arm extended and his body bent forward, and on the next day, Dec 2, the coroner's inquest found that the wound was given in self-defence, and that Bransby was almost tipsy at the time.  
Counsel however advised Bathurst that as he was not bailable, he had better keep out of the way till near the assizes, as no flight had been found at the inquest, and that he had better make conveyances of his estate, as a verdict either of manslaughter or se defendendo would be accompanied with forfeiture at law, and require pardon. 

I notice from the National Archives website [2] that they hold the
Petition of Charles Bathurst of Scutterskelf, co. York for pardon for accidentally killing his butler who had assaulted him with a red hot poker.  
It is dated 23 February 1731.  The short description of the document goes on:
Examinations annexed.  Referred to the Attorney General for opinion. The Attorney General's report annexed, dated March 4, stating he is of opinion that it is not advisable for his Majesty to grant a pardon to the petitioner before he has taken his trial.”
Evidently counsel’s advice regarding possible forfeiture had worried Charles considerably and he had tried to take evasive action. 

However, he did not lose his estates and after his death in 1743 and that of his wife in 1747 they passed to his three sisters, as he had no children of his own.  The estate was much encumbered with debts and liabilities and Skutterskelfe was eventually sold in 1754 to the Hon George Carey, whose wife Isabella Ingram had inherited the estate at Rudby from her father.

[1] see The History of Parliament Online

[2] The National Archives catalogue reference is  here

Friday, 9 August 2013

A Girl Drowned at Hutton Rudby: July 1879

from the Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough

Thursday 24 July 1879
A Girl Drowned at Hutton Rudby 
On Tuesday morning Ida Smith, 16, was drowned in the River Leven, at Hutton Rudby.  
The deceased worked at Mr Wilson's sailcloth manufactory, and was standing during breakfast time with her sister and two other young women on a low wall, watching some children catching sticks that came down the swollen river, when she fell into the stream, and owing to the strong current was carried rapidly down the river, and her sister jumped in to try to save her, and was with difficulty rescued.  A vigorous search was at once instituted for the body, which, however, was not recovered until Wednesday morning, when it was found by a man named Sedgwick fully half-a-mile down the stream

Ida was the daughter of Christopher Smith and Jane Ann Meynell (Jane was the daughter of William Meynell and his wife Eleanor/Helen/Ellen Moss).

It seems likely that it was Ida’s elder sister Lilias who tried to rescue her.

1871 Census: North Side, Hutton Rudby, next door to the King's Head Inn
Christopher Smith (39) Powerloom canvas weaver b Hutton
Jane Ann Smith, his wife (34) b Hutton
Lilias Smith (10) b West Hartlepool
Ida Smith (8) b North Shields
Albert Anthony Smith (5) b Boro', London
William Meynell Smith (3) b Rudby
Sarah Ann Smith (1) b Hutton