Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Sidgwick family in Enterpen in the early C19

This beautifully engrossed indenture dated 18 July 1828 is part of the legal paperwork by which Edward Meynell the younger of Enterpen, weaver, bought property in Enterpen from John Sidgwick of Broughton, yeoman.

John Sidgwick was one of the sons of the late John Sidgwick of Enterpen, linen manufacturer. 

He had inherited the property from his father – and he had previously inherited it from his father, also called John Sidgwick, who had bought it from the Flintoff family in 1779.

John Sidgwick of Broughton was selling Edward Meynell two houses in Enterpen with the garden lying behind them.  They had been in the occupation of the late John Sidgwick, and were now tenanted by Thomas Hawman and James Meek. 

The properties are described as being bordered to the east and north by a house and grounds belonging to John Sidgwick of Broughton – to the west by ground belonging to Sarah Sidgwick – and to the south by the King's Highway leading from Hutton near Rudby to East Rounton.

A comparison with the Tithe Map, in which Edward Meynell is shown as owning a house and garden of 22 ½ perches, indicates that the property lay at the eastern end of Enterpen, to the west of the old Station Hotel. 

It is clear from the Tithe Map that the Sidgwick family still dominated that end of Enterpen in the 1830s.  John the linen manufacturer and his father John before him had clearly laid down a good inheritance for their successors.

Note: the first John Sidgwick acquired the land by "certain indentures of lease and release bearing date respectively 15th and 16th May 1779 and the release made or expressed to be made between George Flintoff and Ann Flintoff widow (1) John Newsam (2) and the said John Sidgwick the Grandfather (3)"

One of the witnesses was William Weatherill – perhaps an early appearance by William Weatherill, solicitor of Guisborough?  Possibly.

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