Stokesley in the wapentake and liberty of Langbargh: 9 miles from Guisborough; 9 from Yarm; and 16 from Northallerton.
The buildings are neat, and for the most part in the modern style.
The market is held on Saturday, and is plentifully supplied with provisions on reasonable terms. Of the fairs which are held here, an account will be found appended to the first volume.
The lands near the town are chiefly in grass, and occupied in small allotments. The surrounding lands are rich and fertile, and being a fine sporting country, the situation possesses all the advantages of rural sports and agreeable retirement.
The beautiful and majestic chain of mountains, called the Cleveland hills, including Roseberry Topping, range at a distance of from four to six miles from the town, with a peculiarly bold and romantic outline, and form a sort of semi-circular amphitheatre, of which Stokesley is the centre.
A considerable manufacture of linen is carried on here, and that trade is likely to be extended, by a mill, which Messrs. Thomas and John Mease, are now erecting, to be worked by the power of steam.
In the year 1818, a Society for the promotion of Christian knowledge was established here, under the patronage of the Archdeacon of Cleveland, when a depository of books was formed in the vestry of the parish church, and from which 6000 volumes have already been dispensed. The establishment of a Savings' Bank is also in contemplation.
The parish church is a rectory, dedicated to St Peter, in the patronage of the Archbishop of York. There are also three chapels, one for the Methodists, another for the Independents, and a third, on a small scale, for the Primitive Methodists.
Here are also two schools, one for boys, and another for girls, in connexion with the diocesan schools, and where Dr Bell's system is adopted.
The parish is of considerable extent, and comprehends an area of about 7 square miles. The population of the town amounts to 1897.
Post Mistress, Mrs Elizabeth Storey
Appleton Helen, gentlewoman
Burdon Simeon, gentleman
Cunningham John, gentleman
Deason Ann, gentlewoman
Easby John, gentleman
Gibson E. gentlewoman
Greensides Misses
Healey George major, North York militia
Hepton Nancy, gentlewoman
Hutchinson & Place, bankers, draw on Sir P. Pole, bart. and Co. and Sir Wm. Curtis, bart. and Co.
Mann Thomas, gentleman
Masterman John, gentleman
Maynard Dorothy, gentlewoman
Maynard John, gentleman
Medd Esther, gentlewoman
Metcalfe Robert, gentleman
Moon Wm. gentleman
Powell Wm. steward to the chief bailiff for the liberty of Langbargh
Robinson Robert, gentleman
Rookes James, gentleman
Simpson Rev. Thomas, curate
Smith Joseph, gentleman
Taylor Wm. agent to Sir Wm. Foulis, Bart.
Taylor Misses H. & D. gentlewomen
Taylerson Robert, gentleman
Turner Wm. gentleman
Watson Mary, gentlewoman
Widdowfield Richard, gentleman
Academies, Boarding & Day Schools
Gilbertson Mary, (ladies' day)
Grange Wm. (day)
Grammar School, Rev. J. Benson
Leng Wm. (commercial day)
Mason Thomas (day)
National, Richard Baker, master, and Eliz. Stubbings, mistress
Neasham Ann (ladies' boarding)
Armstrong Rt (& agt. for newspapers)
Pratt Wm. printer, agent to the Norwich Union Fire office, circulating library, and stamp office
Appleton & Boulby
Garbutt Wm.
Powell & Harker
Auctioneers and Appraisers
Johnson Wm.
Johnson Geo.
Clarke Wm.
Halton Jane
Rayner Wm.
Williamson Geo.
Carling Thos.
Gill Thos.
Halton David
Rontree Robert
Storey Jonathan, Sweeting
Boot & Shoemakers
Carling Christr.
Harrison Robert
Hebden Thos.
Hugill Wm.
Lee James
Newburn James
Snowden John
Stockton Christ.
Thompson John
Thurkell Robert
Ward John Wright John, (& clogger)
Biggins John (& plasterer)
Fawcett Francis
Iveson John
Waller Christr.
Brick Makers
Biggins John
Richlieu Thos.
Appleton John
Biggins James
Braithwaite John
Farrow R. C. (& farrier)
Halton Geo.
Mann James
Myers Wm.
Stephenson Thos. (& cattle dlr.)
Butter, Cheese, and Bacon Factors
Bowser Matthew, (bacon)
Braithwaite John
Mease John, sen.
Sawkill Robert, (butter)
Chemists and Druggists
Crummey James (druggist)
Duck John
Clock and Watch Makers
Armstrong Robt.
Kneeshaw Robt.
Stephenson Robt.
Corn Millers
Fidler Thos.
Stonehouse Hy.
Corn and Flour Dealers
Bursey Rt. (flour)
Fidler Thomas
Oxley John. (flour)
Williamson Geo. (flour)
Grey John
Stephenson John
Havisides John & Son
Martin Thos.
Easby Wm.
Flintoff Thos.
Hugill Thos.
Sweeting Jonth.
Flax Dressers
Mann Thomas
Stephenson S.
Watkin Christr.
Gardeners, &c
Bowser Matthw.
Hutton Richard
Meggison Wm.
Taylor Godfrey
Glass, China, and Earthernware dlrs.
Barker Christr.
Calvert Sarah
Kneeshaw Robt. (glass)
Williamson Geo.
Grocers and Tea Dealers
Appleton John
Banks John
Barr John
Claxton Benj.
Crummey James
Dixon Wm.
Gill Mary, (tea)
Grange Wm.
Mease Thos.
Richardson Fras.
Taylor James
Taylerson Wm.
Turner George
Winspear John
Hair Dressers
Appleton Wm.
Turner Wm.
Watkin John
Hat Maker, Dealer and Furrier
Grey Christr.
Joiners &c
Carter John
Coates John
Richlieu Thos. (& timber mert.)
Ward Thos.
Watkin Wm.
Watkin James
Linen Manfrs.
Calvert Stephen
Cass John
Coverdale Geo.
Eason J. & J.
Garbutt John
Havisides J. & Son (& stuffs)
Hepton Thos.
Mann Thos.
Stephenson S.
Watkin Christr
Linen Merchants
Coverdale Geo.
Eason J. & J.
Haviside Anthony & Co. (stuffs)
Linen and Woollen Drapers
Appleton John
Barr John
Claxton Benj.
Mease Thos.
Medd Thos.
Taylor James
Taylerson Wm.
Maltsters, &c
Neasham B. & T.
Milliners and Dress Makers
Baldwin Jane
Eeles Judith
Easby Mary
Gill Mary
Harwood Ann
Richardson Han.
Rolls Ann
Russell Ann
Fairburn John
Painters & Gilders
Cole Thomas
Collings John
Walker John
Plumbers & Glazrs.
Dennison Christr.
Gowland David
Noton Wm.
Walker John
Saddlers & Collar Makers
Taylor Wm.
Ward Wm.
Watson Ralph
Baxter Edward
Dixon Wm.
Hall Jane
Milestone Geo.
Tate Sarah
Spirit and Wine Merchants
Claxton Benj. (British wine)
Neasham B. & T. (spirit)
Winspear John (British wine)
Stone Masons
Bulmer Wm.
Dixon Wm.
Dixon Valentine
Smith Thomas
Williamson Geo.
Straw Bonnet mkrs.
Easby Mary (& tea dealer)
Fawcett Sarah
Harwood Ann
Pollitt Eliz.
Richardson Han.
Rolls Ann
Russell Ann
Surgeons &c
Allardice James
Appleton Rhd.
Duck John (apothecary)
Ward Wm. jun. (apothecary)
Tailors &c
Banks John (& draper)
Potter Robert
Rumsdale Robt.
Richardson Frs. (& draper)
Robson Robert
Shipley Thos.
Snaith John
Stephenson Thos.
Thompson Geo.
Turner George
Tallow Chandlers
Stephenson Thos.
Stephenson Snowden
Carter John
Hebron John
Sunley Thos.
Walker James
Wood Turners, and Line Wheel mkrs
Appleton Rhd.
Coulson John
Inns and Taverns
Angel, George Parvin
Bay Horse, Jervas Coates
Black Horse, George Johnson
Black Swan, (posting house) John Wilstrop
Bull and Dog, John Weatherill
Bull and Punch Bowl, Hannah Smith
Chequers, Thomas Fenwick
George & Dragon, Henry Brotherton
Golden Lion (and excise office) John Price
Greyhound, Thomas Ridler
King's Head, Sarah Peart
Masons' Arms, Thomas Smith
Race Horses, Anthony Pearson
Shoulder of Mutton, Thomas Myers
Spread Eagle, Richard Appleton
Three Tuns, William Smith
Adamson Matthew, flax dresser
Barker Christopher, glover, &c
Bowser Matthew, parish clerk
Burnard John, rope & twine maker
Caile John, tinner, brazier, ironmonger, and hardware man
Cust Thomas agent to J. Haviside and Son
Elders Adam, clog and patten maker
Emery James, veterinary surgeon
Fisher Matthew, professor of music
Fletcher Christ. beadle & bellman
Garbutt Hannah, confectioner
Hall Mary, confectioner
Hepton Thomas governor of workhouse
March Lewis, officer of excise
Mason Benjamin, cooper
Porteus Walter, nail make
Turner Thomas, whitesmith
Watson John, dog trainer
West Charles, dealer in jewellery and British lace
From the Black Swan, John Wilstrop
The CLEVELAND, three days a week from Redcar to Bedale, during the season, on Mon. Wed. and Sat. arr. at 9 morning and ret. at 5 evening
Middleton John, to Stockton, Mon. Wed, & Fri. ret. the same day
Peacock Thos. & Fras. to Thirsk, on Mon. and Thur. ret. on Tu. and Fri. and to Stockton on Mon. Wed. and Fri. ret. the same day
Country Carriers attending the Market
Ayton, James Sherwood, to T. Stephenson's, every Sat. arrive at 11, return at 6.
Guisborough, Thos. Johnson, to Three Tuns, Wed. & Sat. arr. 10, ret. 3
Northallerton, John Snowball, to Bull & Dog, every Sat. arr. 10, ret. 3
Yarm, Ralph Reed, to Three Tuns, every Sat. arr. 10, ret. 3
Loved reading your article and references and was pleased to find my ancestor in your list of tradesmen
ReplyDeleteIs a portrait of mease avaliable?
ReplyDeleteI haven't got one, but there probably is one out there somewhere